League setup is quick and intuitive, and once your league is set up, maintenance is a snap. Updating rosters is simple and straightforward, and the best part is EROstats does all the math for you. You enter weekly results, and stats and standings recalculate automatically. In all round-robin type leagues, you have the option of using one of our three existing handicapping systems, or none at all.
We will even work with you to accommodate your league's existing unique scoring system.
Your players will love the sortable standings and league leaders features, which make it easy for them to see how they stack up against the rest of the league, and you'll love the ease of access of having all of your league data with you anywhere you have access to the Internet.
Just log in as the league administrator and easily update rosters, or statistics from your mobile device or computer.
If you are used to leagues with static websites or old-fashioned printouts of league stats and standings, you'll be blown away by EROstats.
Beyond the great appearance, you'll love being able to access stats from virtually anywhere.
If you can get online, you have everything there is to know about your league at your fingertips. And all of the stats are sortable, so instead of having to comb through every team to see how you stack up in 10-0s, 8-ball run-outs or a dozen other categories, EROstats will do the work for you with one simple click.
Want to know how you fared against tonight's opponent last month or last season? That information, and so much more, is all right there in a user-friendly format.
Talk to your league operator today about switching your league to EROstats.
Your league director's job is to promote and grow your pool league system.
EROstats frees up their time to focus on just that.
With our system, results from an entire night of league play can be entered in minutes measures built into the system to prevent inputting errors. They won't get bogged down calculating scores, stats or standings, since our system takes care of all of that tedious math.
Instead they can focus on improving the numbers that matter most: Your bottom line.
Stats and other information from the EROstats site can be easily and seamlessly embedded within your company's website, so your players will still be coming to you for all the information they need on their league.