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South Metro A Wednesday Valley - 2016-2017    • American Amusement Arcades

Team Statistics • Showing EMPTY POCKETS    (go to league home)

Includes completed matches through 04/05/2017.

Rank Team Won Lost Win % Points
Win %
4 EMPTY POCKETS 72.0 78.0 48.00% 4589 4428 625 321 304 51.36%

Individual Statistics • Showing EMPTY POCKETS    (go to league home)

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Player (Rating) Team Wins Losses Breaks Racks Points Against Avg MVP ERO Oppo ERO 10-0 Win Streak Rating
Jungemann, Denny   (8.0) EMPTY POCKETS 3 2 2 3 40 34 8.00 6 0 0 0 5 8.0
Luehne, Bob   (6.3) EMPTY POCKETS 24 41 35 30 421 526 6.48 -105 1 3 0 4 6.3
Martinez, Steve   (7.1) EMPTY POCKETS 41 49 43 47 630 681 7.00 -51 2 3 2 3 7.1
Ritchart, Chuck   (7.4) EMPTY POCKETS 55 55 57 53 813 798 7.39 15 1 6 0 8 7.4
Rottor, chris   (4.9) EMPTY POCKETS 5 20 12 13 136 223 5.44 -87 0 2 1 3 4.9
Schilling, Brenda   (7.8) EMPTY POCKETS 60 45 52 53 803 706 7.65 97 1 2 6 8 7.8
Schilling, Brad   (8.8) EMPTY POCKETS 3 2 2 3 37 30 7.40 7 0 0 0 7 8.8
Sieben, Warren   (7.6) EMPTY POCKETS 73 52 58 67 957 842 7.66 115 4 7 3 14 7.6
Trujillo, Mike   (8.7) EMPTY POCKETS 57 38 52 43 752 588 7.92 164 10 4 5 6 8.7